Message from the HQ
There’s a new message from the HQ:
Just a quick update from your friendly neighbourhood Student Brakeaway HQ. Our families and friends are bored with us banging on about how awesome this summer is going to be so we thought we’d throw some love your way…
Remember your respective payment deadlines. If you are boating (as in you are taking the boat down to Spain) then you and all your team members need to be fully paid up by 28th July. If you are driving (as in you are taking the route via Le Mans) then your deadline is the 30th June. May we also remind you that should you elect to complete your payment before these dates then you get to pick your team’s official event number, obviously on a first come, first served basis.
The Teenage Cancer Trust/Student Brake Away fundraising guide is now available to view or download on the SBA website. Just point your browser at and it’s all there. Practical advice on how to facilitate your grand scheme or maybe a little inspiration for those of you who haven’t gotten that far yet… give it a quick look whatever your plans are as chances are that you’ll find something useful. The cool thing is that because it’s for charity you have an excuse to be as brazen and shameless as you like. What an opportunity!
We’re happy to announce that the cast of Channel 4’s flagship youth show ‘Hollyoaks’ will be entering a team this year, the male members of which all our female team authoritatively describes as “fit”, so to any girls out there that you know still deciding whether to go or not: get on it. The 2007 cast of Channel 4’s ‘Shipwrecked’ will also be entering a team in this year’s event to help raise cash and awareness for the TCT. This continues the tradition started by last year’s cast, who helped the SBA’s participants raise over £30,000 for good causes.
That’s all for now, best of luck with your preparations and fund-raising and we’ll see you all soon.
Student Brake Away HQ